Congratulations are in order (for me, of course). Today I celebrated my one-month anniversary with France. And I am still lodged firmly in the honeymoon stage. I've seen and done a lot of great things in the past four weeks, and I have every reason to believe that the year is going to be a good one.
To celebrate this auspicious occasion, I spent the afternoon at the Musee Rodin, but that merits another, more intellectual, post. For now I offer you this, a brief summary of my first four weeks in France:
Countries Visited: 1, but I'm working on it
Museums Visited: 4 (but not the Louvre)
Times I've been asked for directions: Twice (!) ONCE BY A FRENCH WOMAN, AND I ANSWERED CORRECTLY BOTH TIMES. Both instances occurred last night. I was probably approached because the French couple next to be was engaged in a make-out session bordering on cannibalism, hence unavailable. But I like to think it was because I looked like a local.
Calories Consumed: I don't want to talk about it. This could easily be broken down into subcategories: Crepes eaten; scoops ordered at Berthillon; pounds of goat cheese eaten; whole baguettes devoured. And I wouldn't want to talk about any of those either.
Favorite Cross-Cultural Experience: My first night with my Parisian family, my host mom told me that we would be eating an earlier dinner that Friday, as her boyfriend would be visiting. This was followed by silence. And then my host sister started doing the awkward turtle.
Strangest Musical Choices: Probably a toss-up between these two, both of which met with widespread approval at the bar we were at last night.
Best (or worst) Renaming Job:
McDreamy=Dr. Mamour
McSteamy=Dr. Glamour
Best Movie Poster Seen in the Metro:

Since this is probably not what actually happened, I have to say that the French are pretty ballsy, using a dead ex-President to sell one of their movies. It makes me wonder if Americans shouldn't try same thing. Charles de Gaulle hawking New Moon, perhaps?
Overall, a successful month. On one hand, I've happy to have reached this milestone. It feels like an accomplishment, to have gone a month without suffering homesickness, culture shock or Grippe A. At the same time, I'm reminded of just how fast this year is going to go by. I'm just thankful I'm at the beginning of it, with eight more months to soak up Paris.
Hi, Alanna,
ReplyDeleteI love your entries about your life in Paris and Tours, so far! You sound great and have jumped right in to your new life abroad. It's amazing what you have seen and done in a month's time. As you say, the time will pass quickly, especially once your classes begin.
I so remember experiencing the "Water Lilies" at the Touleries - sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded by those lovely blues and feeling like I was actually immersed in water.
You are doing us all a favor by keeping us abreast of your day to day life, which seems so exciting from my vantage point.
Only in Paris, I guess, can you be serenaded by a harp player as you rush to or from the Metro. Quite a mix, as you say.
Good luck in your classes.
How prevalent are redheads there? I'm sure the French lady you helped with directions thought you were a local, especially after she heard you speak.
Take care and thank you again for your accounts.
"Auntie" M.
Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. Paris is indeed amazing. I really love it here so far, and I've been trying to keep busy and see as much of the city as possible.
ReplyDeleteThe water lilies at l'Orangerie were definitely a highlight of the trip. I had no idea that Monet had done water lily paintings on such a huge scale. I'm planning to take a trip out to Giverny at some point this year to see his studio.
There aren't a ton of redheads here in Paris, but I guess the last girl to stay with my host family was also a redheaded Irish girl, so I'm carrying on that tradition. There are a surprising number of redheads on my program though.
Hope everything is going well in California!